Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

Hi everyone!

The end of the school year is upon us and all staff members are working on their “to do” lists to get ready for Tuesday, our last day. Today is Step-up Celebration Day for our PK and K students. We are looking forward to a very enjoyable celebration with the children and parents.

Monday evening our Sixth Graders will “Celebrate Their Achievements” following a special Liturgy with Fr. Richard and Fr. Charles.

As soon as the children are “gently ushered out the door” on Tuesday, the staff will be in full gear to get everything packed and ready to go. The movers will be here on Monday morning to relocate our furniture and packed boxes to the gym so renovations can begin in the school building as necessary.

Beginning the week of June 21st, the official school office hours will be Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Thank you for the suggestions and concerns some of you sent me as we undertake the revision of the Parent/Student Handbook for the new school year. Your input is always welcomed and insightful. I appreciate your efforts and interest.

Blessings to each of you!

Jerry Bergeron

Thursday, May 27, 2010

From the Principal's Desk - May 27, 2010



It was a pleasure to see the great turnout of parents at our joint parent meeting with SJRJHS last week. I believe that most concerns have been answered and that our community realizes we are diligently working at creating a smooth transition for the fall. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Our enrollment numbers continue in a positive trend and that is very encouraging. The “recommitment cards” continue to arrive daily. The deadline for reaffirming your enrollment is June 2nd (next Wednesday) and I cannot overstate how important this is to us as we move forward. If you have not yet sent in your card, please do so tomorrow or Friday.

Tuition statements for next year are included in today’s envelope. Some questions have arisen regarding tuition rates for families with more than one child in the school. ALL tuition rates remain the same for next year. Fair share also remains the same. Discounts for the full or two payment tuition program remain in place as does the referral incentive. Our moving forward on an uninterrupted positive trend depends on everyone doing what is possible to continue building on what we have set in place.

FACTS Management Company is going to be handling tuition payments and the financial aide applications and we are in the final stages of finalizing this program. There will be no cost to you for this service. Please see my letters and further information that are included in today’s information envelope.


We continue to make preparations for beginning the actual relocation of classrooms and facilities immediately after the school year ends on the 15th. Work on our new technology lab will soon begin again (it has been on hold during the planning stage of the move) and on the new space that will house our “Young Learners Center” downstairs. We are very enthused about both of these major improvements.

We will soon begin revising the St. Anthony Parent/Student Handbook for next year. If there are any issues that you feel should be addressed or changes made, please do not hesitate to email me, call, or use the school blog to make your opinion known. I want and welcome your input.
Please call or email me with any concerns you may have.

God’s Blessings to each of you.
Jerry Bergeron

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From the Principal’s Desk - May 18, 2010


I hope to see all of you tomorrow at the joint community meeting with the parents of St. Joseph Junior High School. Many of the details regarding the move of St. Joseph School to our campus have been determined and will be shared with everyone present. The tuitions for next year will also be announced. And of course, there will be ample opportunity for questions and answers.

The staffs from both schools will be on hand to point out the layout of space for both schools next year. The current St. Anthony School allocation of space remains intact for the remainder of the school year. Renovations and adjustments of space for next year will begin immediately after classes end in June.

I look forward to your presence tomorrow evening.

God bless each of you.
Jerry Bergeron

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


The pace is quickening and much is happening as we continue to prepare for the pending move of St. Joseph Regional Jr. High School to our campus. Many individuals are involved in the preparatory process by lending their support and expertise to make this transition as smooth and trouble free as possible. Ms. Martineau and I are very grateful for all the effort and input.

Our pastor, Fr. Richard Dion, has been very involved to insure that the integrity of St. Anthony School will be preserved while it moves forward to become an ever increasing vibrant and effective center of learning for our elementary children. As we welcome St. Joseph School into our midst, we are mindful that our two separate but equal educational paths will complement one another and benefit all our students.

Safeguarding the positive strides we have initiated this past year and continuing to advance our ambitious efforts would not be possible without the determination of our great faculty and support staff. They remain a group of professionals determined to immerse your children in a value centered Catholic culture of learning that will not allow to be deterred by any circumstances. Of course there are and will be challenges involved with this transition.  But true educators thrive on challenges and grow in the process of dealing with such situations. That is because the focus is always on what is best for the children and not on the preservation of one’s comfort zone. I extend a personal thank-you to each of our staff members - what a wonderful group you are!      

As we proceed with this collaborative effort, the enrollment at St. Anthony’s is holding steady and growing.  I am optimistic that when we open on August 25th, our enrollment will have surpassed this year’s and we will be poised to move forward on the positive path we have created this year. Our new technology capabilities will greatly benefit our students and we will thrive on the positive attitude and unrelenting dedication of our families and staff. Continue to be positive and let us all work together to make this new venture a truly great opportunity for our children.

I know that postcards have been mailed to parents of both St. Anthony School and St. Joseph, inviting you all to a May 19 meeting at 7 p.m. at the school. I wanted to reiterate that invitation and encourage you to attend the meeting.  It will be an opportunity for parents of St. Joseph to meet parents of St. Anthony School. You will also learn about the new layout of the two schools next year, and receive information about budgets and tuition. I would also like to remind you that all information on the relocation can be found at the St. Anthony School website under “St. Joseph Regional Jr. HS Relocation.”

I will continue to keep you, as parents, informed every step of the way as we continue this process and welcome these pilgrims into our home.

God bless each of you!

Jerry Bergeron     


Dear St. Anthony Community,

    THANK YOU.  You have opened your home to us and we are very grateful. The STJ family is looking forward to our continued collaboration with the St. Anthony community to make both schools the vibrant environment we know they can be. A special note of gratitude to Fr. Dion and Mr. Bergeron for making us feel so welcome. On behalf of the STJ faculty, staff and families, again, thank you.  

    Ms. Pauline Martineau, Principal
    St. Joseph Regional Junior High School